Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fish Cake & Shout Out

I love it when my host mom buys food that is worthy of being photographed! (remember the turtle?) And this one even comes with a history lesson. This cake is from a city called Wil. In Wil there used to be a castle where the King of St. Gallen lived. Around the castle there was a moat(spelling?sorry English is getting so bad!). In the moat? there were fish. When they would have to fast from meat for holidays or whatever, the priests still always ate fish from the moat. Even though isn't that still technically meat?? This is the part of the story where my host dad says "they also weren't supposed to get married but they had plenty of children". So I guess now they make a cake, in Wil, shaped like a fish to symbolize the religious people not doing what they are supposed to do? Are you confused? Yeah I was too. Then again translating the story from German to English there is a highly likely possibility that I miss something ;) But historical or not, it was GOOD=)

Also a shout out to Aunt Cindy and Uncle Tom! Thank you so much for the birthday card. And so efficient! Two weeks early:) Mom never lets me open things early. And it came just in time for me to download Christmas music. I have to start early due to the lack of Thanksgiving. LOVE IT. And Cooper is absolutely adorable! Can't wait to meet the little guy :) Love and miss you guys!<3

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happenings in der Schweiz

I was in the newspaper! My host mom and I attended a Parliament meeting. I am the tiny little dot of a head in the very left hand corner. It was a two hour meeting over whether or not to give the soccer team 2 million dollars. I'm trying to picture anyone in America taking two hours to consider that! They said no eventually though. But a private investor coughed up the money later in the week no worries!:) Soccer boys won't be going anywhere.
Tobias, my host brother, brought this home from his cooking class. They made American food. Big Macs. I really wish I was kidding but I am not. That is what they consider American food!!! And notice the pole is on the WRONG side. I am making it my duty to correct the misconceptions of the United States pronto.
Today I had a very exchange student moment. In my German class the teacher asked me a question. He only asks me anything when it has to do with Hemmingway I have discovered so I answered "Hemmingway!" That answer was right. Amazingly:P But then he asked me something else. I had no idea what he had said! This teacher also likes to make big arm gestures while he teaches. And his arm was out stretched almost as if to give a hand shake. So I thought "oh a hand shake for finally getting the right answer!" WRONG. Talk about embarrasing! Everyone else thought it was hilarious and laughed about it for the rest of the day, I on the other hand turned a very deep shade of red and have vowed never to shake anyone's hand ever again. By the way, the real question was what is the name of one of Hemmingway's books. Not even close Savanna. . .