What happens when over 100 teenagers from all over the world hit up Zermatt for the weekend? FUN!!!!!! The Rotex program, which is previous exchange students, always make these weekends awesome. The weekend went like this, first we had a "postenlauf" which is German for scavenger hunt in the city. Ever tried finding a sunny side up egg to buy in the middle of the afternoon in Switzerland? Well don't, because it's basically impossible! One group went up to someone's house and asked them to cook them an egg. Which they did! But that group was a bunch of girls Ecuador and they pretty much speak in their Spanish accent and people will do anything for them. My group bought an egg, found a rock, and a lighter. Then took it and cracked the egg and light it with the lighter. And the Rotex thought it was so funny when the egg slipped off the rock onto someone's coat that they counted it! AND that is why America is the world power! After that we saw a museum, took a coffee break, then ate fondue for dinner. Swiss tradition. I personally can't eat the stuff. Swiss cheese is so strong! I always think if I only had some American Kraft singles! Then we went to two different clubs for about five hours. SO MUCH FUN!!!! We had them all to ourselves and you know everyone there so it was awesome. And being that we had numerous Latin/ South American people with us Latino music kept getting requested and I got to salsa to Shakira with an Argentinian! How's that for an important life experience?:) It's definitely at the top of my list! The next day and five thousand gandalas later we were at the same matterhorn. From which you get to look at the big real Matterhorn. Which is what is on the Toblerone bar so I was pretty excited! But if I thought I was cold in Denmark, this was ten times worse up there! Within a minute my hair had froze! It literally looked icy. And I'd like to say that the view was good but everything was white! Kinda like what heaven might look like. . .except COLDER. I have to say though, that we all managed to look pretty happy in the pictures even though we were freezing our hair off. Although you know what, I think that's because we are all happy :) Once in a lifetime experiences happening everyday. But you can decipher that for yourself. . .

This is an example of how bad my English is becoming:
Savanna- "Aww look! Groundhogs!"
Amanda- "Umm Savanna???? Seriously???"
Savanna- "What? They look kind of cute!"
Amanda- "They're beavers genius."
Savanna- "Wait, what did I say?"
This happens daily. . . .
Coffee break in an Irish pub playing cards!
Fondue Dinner!
Inside a glacier on the same Matterhorn
the REAL matterhorn